- What else does it have?Dealer: Well, it also features reclining seats, a tilt steering wheel, and plenty of headroom.Jim: What about that yellow car outside? 公司在东北,华中,华北,华南,西北,西南,华东等地区都设有客服,更方便与各区域代理商交流洽谈,将误会减小到最低,欢迎您随时咨询。
- What else do you want? Egg in your beer? You already have it good. 该有的好处你已经得到了。还想怎么样?得寸进尺吗?
- Jeff: Besides these weapons,what else do they have? 杰夫: 这些兵器以外,还有什么?
- Interesting.And what else do you have? 有意思。你们还吃什么?
- A. I have liability, what else do I need? 我有责任险,还要什么?
- What else do you have on your plate professionally? 专业上讲你还有什么工作在手上呢?
- Jeff: Besides these weapons, what else do they have? 杰夫: 这些兵器以外,还有什么?
- TRACY: Yes, please. What else do you have in that bag? 是的;想.;你那包里还有什么其他的好东西?
- Is the film dubbed or does it have subtitles? 这部影片是经过配音的还是配上字幕的?
- "What else do you see?" asked the captain after a moment of silence. "你还看见什么?"上尉沉默了片刻后又问。
- Captain: What else does the Reverend Mother say? 上校:院长嬷嬷还说什么了?。
- What effect does it have on your website's image? 对网站整体形象有什么影响?
- What kind of pain do you call it? And what else do you feel with the headache? 是何种痛?头痛时你还感到有其他方面的不适吗?
- Jennifer: What kind of games does it have? 珍妮花:它有哪些类型的游戏?
- Q: What else do we need to do besides vaccinate? 问:除了提供疫苗之外,我们还需要做什麽?
- What actor drawback does it have? 它有什么优缺点呢?
- What else does the Reverend Mother say? 大修女又说了什么事了呢?
- What does it have to do with me? 与我何干?
- So, what else do you do besides torture people? 那么, 你除了折磨人还做什么啊?
- Who else did it if it was not him? 干这种事的不是他还有谁?